Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Monday, October 17, 2011

HI 2P!!!!!! I think nobody ever visits this blog anymore :( Anyway, EYEs are finally over but I bet results are traumatizing you guys just like how it's scaring me so badly. Have you guys decided what Subject Combinations you guys want to take!! :D But sigh, we'll be separating next year and I'll miss 2P so very very badly. :( We should treasure the time we have left and get to know other people more!! And we should start taking lots of pictures while we do the post-exam activities and we can look back and look back at all our precious and fond memories yay. And I hope you guys are enjoying Post-Exam activities so far. Remember, it's the company that makes a difference!! :D Okay shall end here now, have a good day!! :D



Tuesday, August 23, 2011


hey 2p, so...... how about our class tee??!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

hi 2p this blog is dead. anyway, i shall advertise some card games to you. they will help you in your time of boredom. do play cluedo, monopoly deal, pictureka, pictionary and boggle. you will never regret buying these cards. they only cost $9.90 - $10.90, so hurry get your own cards! Get ready for a wild time ahead!

love, lois

Monday, May 30, 2011

Holiday homework?

Ok, hey 2P! I'm not really sure of the FULL list of holiday homework that we have...but I'll just post up here what we do have. And if anyone can add on to the homework load, please do! Xiexie ni.


> Ace-learning(20 questions) - try to at least get 15/20
> Paper 1 & Paper 2 (CHIJ) -Do on foolscap
> Matrices-Sec 4A Textbook - Until example 7.

>Mid Year Examination Paper 2005 
  - Section A (Do Qs 1-10,25 and 26)
  - Section B (Do Qs 1,6 and 8)
  - Section C (Do Qs 1 only)

>End of Year Examination Paper 2010 
  - Section A (Do Qs 3-8 and 16-30)
  - Section B (Do Qs 2,4,5 and 7)
  - Section C (Do Qs 1 and 3a)

>Light Practice Worksheet

> Converging Lens Worksheets 1 and 2 (Optional to try)

> PBL Research

>2 Comprehension Practices

> Research for Argumentative Essay

> Finish your Geography Project and hand in by 24 June 2011.

> Research and work on history project.

> Malay Articles (analyzing) 
  - Terangkan mengapakah isu itu penting.
  - Apa yang kamu faham/ tidak faham tentang artikel ini?
  - Hubung kaitkan isu dengan dunia hari ini.
  - Bagaimanakah kamu akan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan yang diraih ini?



IPW Project!

Ok, that's all I know. Hope it helps a little! Jiayou 2P! (:


Friday, May 27, 2011


hey 2p! ermm so this is about cheer lah! so who wants to join bougae cheer?please sms me!yeah cause auditions coming soon yeh!okay thats all!:D

ps. iffah and yexin yes i'll probably be joining cheer again:D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HAHA! HI! IGNORE THE POST BELOW. (but meena is really annoying! ):< )
Anyway, how has life been. so stressful y'know. got geog + history pt and science pbl then so much holiday hw ehhhhhhh!
oh btw did you watach DONGYI. the show is so nice! GO WATCH!!!
and how was level games? i'm so sorry i never help you all during scavenger hunt ))))))): very sorryy!!!
hmm okay have fun doing your holiday hw ah!

(L) lois

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

yours sincerely, 2P

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hey 2P! I've chanced upon this website about light refraction which I found quite easy to understand and maybe it could help a little!

Have fun studying and it's just a week more left! Jiayou and all the best (:

Signing off,


Sunday, April 24, 2011


I forgot who but someone told me to upload the video of the cedar thingy, I'm too lazy to change the text but it's kind of a 2P video since almost all the pics/videos are of 2P (:

~Renee (:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Having so much pt to complete and a huge load of homework and having to study and revise for cts in such a short period of time......


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heyyyyy :D

Hehe, it's been ages since I posted on the class blog/blogged in general, anyway all the best for the science test thing tmr and keep this blog alive!! hahahha, and I hope you're all having fun with the Angel & Mortal thing hehe :p We'll probaly be reviewing the names by end of the term or month, we'll decide tmr, I'm personally pretty excited, can't wait to see the faces of people when they find out who their angel is! I think so far the thing's going pretty well, on the first day and already there are so many letters, frankly I didn't really expect it, but wow :D Have fun writing to your mortals but don't forget to thank you angels too ;)


Monday, April 11, 2011

HEY 2P. THE COMMON TEST SCHEDULE IS OUT. (INCASEYOUDIDN’TKNOW) 26-27/4: HCL 3/5: Geog 4/5: History 10/5: Math 12/5: Lit 13/5: Science So start studying now! You don’t have much time!!! And there’s still pw so manage your time well.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

hey 2p, i designed a new like design. erm the back is just a rough sketch as you can see, there are many jagged lines, plus there are 3peas instead of two. in this shirt design, we don't have personalized, cos i guess class tee means class? whatever. llalalala. please vote and write your real name and after this i'm not going to care!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

how about something like this hahahahah i found this on the net it's free, so we can do something similar? lllalallalalalla i'm feeling so happy

hmm, debbie wants to change the front. so any suggestions? like you can make it nicer and cooler but idk how luh.


Font 1: Font 2: 3 Font 3 Font 4 Font 5 Font 6 Font 7 Font 8 Font 9 Font 10: 2 Font 11: 6 font 11's winning so far. and there are only 11 votes! please vote 2p

Sunday, March 27, 2011

FONTS- class tee.

Hey 2P!
This are some of the fonts that a few of us chose, please vote.
p.s. the font might vary a little according to the size number.

thank you.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

eh 2p class teee quickquick. yexin the fonts!!!! i want a class tee i want a class tee i want a class tee



Proportion notes
Proportion revision ws
Ace-learning (till 20/3 11.55pm)

Find out application of literary skills on non-print forms/movies
Read Mrs Chan's wedding and write a 100 word paragraph on its theme
Unseen prose resource 1&2

Anti-drug essay
English IPW letter

Performance task ws to fill up

should be all, if you want to add anything in just add it in yourself. byee. enjoy your 'holidays'! (:

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm not afraiddd. to take a standdd. everybody, come take my handdd.

i love eminem. as you can tell from the title of this post. lalalalala!(:
anyway. something super retarded happened today. i told my dad all of my grades A1 for Math and History, B3 for Lit, B4 for geog and F9 for Science and he was like "Good job! Can be improved but good job! Talk to teacher wendy about your science" i was like. wtf. is this really happening. then i was like WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:D:D:D:D:D:D:
so yeah. no matter what grades you have, tell your parents. you never know what might happen:O oh fyi, my new favourite colour is purple (Y)
okay imma go copy and paste this entire post onto my squad blog now!

Sunday, February 27, 2011





Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chinese stuff. STUDY!

词语for CT1


× 无微不至:wu wei bu zhi

× 境遇: jing yu

× 求神问卜:qiu shen wen bu

× 祷告:dao gao: pray

× 爱屋及乌:aiwujiwu: love someone so much that you love all their things too.

× 艰险:jian xian: very dangerous

× 挫折:cuozhe: setback

× 一帆风顺:yifanfengshun: smooth sailing

× 嫉妒:jidu: jealous

× 嘲讽:chao feng: mocking

× 尴尬:ganga: embarrassed

× 明哲保身:minzhebaofen: don’t get inbetween quarrels to protect yourself

× 逢人只说三分话:fengrenzhishuosanfenhua: only tell the partial truth.

× 无限:wuxian: unlimited [love and blah], unconditional

× 浓厚:nonghou: deep [love]

× 无拘无束:wujuwushu: very carefree

× 寄人篱下:jirenlixia: don’t have your own home, live under someone elses’ roof

× 束缚:shufu: restrainment


× 安逸: anyi : comfortable and safe life.

× 好逸恶劳:haoyiwulao : too comfortable in an environment that it makes you lazy.

× 分析:fenxi: analyze

× 溺爱:niai : pampered.

× 煞费苦心:shafeikuxin: put in a lot of effort

× 关怀备至:guanhuaibeizhi: very caring and provides everything that you need

× 茁壮:zhuozhuang: grow up to be strong and tough

× 无可厚非:wukehoufei : will do something for no rhyme or reason

× 宠爱:chongai: spoilt by parents

× 娇生惯养:jiaoshengguanyang: pampered

× 不屑一顾:buxieyigu: you don’t give a damn.

× 聘请:pinqing: hire

× 剥夺:boduo: deprive others of something

× 引以为鉴:yinyiweijian: take it as an example

× 体恤:tixu: be understanding

× 绊脚石:banjiaoshi: a hurdle; problem

× 棘手:jishou: quickly settle before it turns into a big problem.


× 血气方刚:xueqifanggang: very impulsive (used to describe youth)

× 近朱者赤,近墨者黑:jinzhuzhechi, jinmozhehei : (-) get influenced by people you mix w/

× 专心致志:zhuanxinzhizhi: insanely focused. You can like get killed and not know

× 魂不守舍:hunbushoushe: not your usual self. Like uh habit the blur one.

× 惋惜:wanxi: don’t mourn over lost people, items, blah.

× 筛选:shaixuan: very particular about your choices.

× 作祟:zuosui: get scared by your own thoughts. Think about it until you think it’s real. Loser.

× 熏染:xunran: influenced by people you mix with (+)

× 素昧平生:sumeipingshen: never came across this person cuz he’s such a lameass looser.

× 真伪:zhenwei: real or fake [friends and goods]

× 咎由自取:ziyouziqu: get what you deserve (never study: fail: abigood)

× 俘虏: fulu: slavery

× 分歧:fenqi: we have different opinions

× 摩擦: moca: friction in opinionish stuff. Aiyoh basically you cannot tahan someone else.

× 罕见:hanjian: very rare.

× 称颂:chengsong: sing praises.

× 融洽:rongqia: live in harmony, get along well.

× 名扬天下:mingyangtianxia: very famous.

× 德高望重:degaowangzhong: someone lookuperrable, respect them like shat.

× 各有千秋:geyouqianqiu: both have their strong points, don’t compare. Showoffs.

× 疙瘩:geda: friction between two people. Goosebumps.

× 东山再起:dongshanzaiqi: make a comeback.

× 切磋:qiecuo: not to compete but to learn from each other.

× 谦虚:qianxu: modest, humble

× 解剖:jiepou: dissect.

× 扎实:zhashi: firm

× 借鉴:jiejian: take it as an example.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

i like spamming the class blog with notes hahahah, you should try it it's fun ttm. anyway, some more science notes. actually these are all the science notes that ms diana gave but this is for people like DHARNIA who depend on computers to study.

so Chemical formulas:
Hydrogen: H(2)
Chlorine: CL(2)
Oxygen: O(2)
Iodine: I(2)
Nitrogen: N(2)
Water: H(2)O
Carbon monoxide: CO
Carbon dioxide: CO(2)
Sulphur dioxide: SO(2)
Ammonia: NH(3)
Methane: CH(4)
Chloromethane: CH(3)CL
Glucose: C(6)H(12)O(6)
Phosphorus: P(4)

and Valency:
Na (sodium): 1
K (potassium): 1
Ag (silver): 1
Cu (I): 1
Cu(II): 2
Hg (mercury): 2
Zn (zinc): 2
Mg (magnesium): 2
Ca (calcium): 2
Fe(II): 2
Fe(III): 3
Al(aluminium): 3

H (hydrogen): 1
Cl (chlorine): 1
I (iodine): 1
O (oxygen): 2
S (sulphur): 2, 4, 6 (although 2 is the most common)
C (Carbon): 2,4 (4 is more common)
N (nitrogen): 3,5 (3 is the most common)

additional notes:
- mono, di and tri is only for covalent bonding.
- so for chemical formulas like Fe(2)O(3), we call it Iron(III) oxide, not iron trioxide.

i'll post more when i have more notes! right now, all the best in studying. science is going to be difficult (according to ms diana) but we can do it! (: we got 4th in the cohort for science last year remember? oh btw there are science notes at the bottom if you scroll right down.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

okay that's a lot of notes on the class blog here's a photo to make you hungry!

geography contd.

Measures taken to address low population growth (Singapore LDQ)

1. Family friendly policies

- Work-life balance.

The government has implemented work life balance, to allow parents to spend more time with their children. Many mothers are working mothers, and they often complain that they do not spend enough time with their children and are unable to take care of them. Thus, the government introduced the 5day workweek in 2004, and even extended the maternity leave from 3 months to 4 months in 2009. Furthermore, the Work-Life-Works (WOW! fund) encourages companies to have flexible working hours. With all these policies, the mothers can have more time with their children.

However, all though these policies are encouraging, many companies find it hard to implement these measures. Many companies do not employ pregnant mothers/working mothers due to the shortage of labour in the company. Thus, women that are working would rather choose not to have babies as once they get pregnant, they stand a high chance of being fired. Also, mothers that are career-minded will choose not to take leave for fear of affecting their performance at work and promotion.

2. Encouraging marriage

One measure the Singapore government has done is to set up matchmaking agencies and social networking sites to encourage young Singaporeans to get married. Nowadays, young singaporeans have a very hectic scheldule and have no time to socialize, other than in work. There are also an estimated 1 million people in singapore that are single. Thus, the government has created the Social Development Network (SDN) for young singles to meet new friends and eventually find a life partner to settle down and start a family. there are also websites like under the National Family control which promotes happier and healthier marriages. This is an effective measure as singles can get together and find out their similar interests, etc. and eventually get married.

However, although this is a good measure, very little singles and young couples are responding to these networks. Women nowadays are highly educated, so they will first establish a career and are likely to get married at a later age, of worse, stay single. Also, singles might have high expectations of their partners or are not willing to change their carefree lifestyle. young couples might also be unwilling to start a family at such a young age. This is due to the high costs of living. HDB houses are not cheap and there are very limited numbers of HDB houses that are available. Hence, most young couples stay with their parents and do not want to have children because of the inconvenience. This will worsen singapore's already declining birth rate.

3. Foreign Immigration
The government's immigration policy helps to address the low population growth rate. People from all over the world are encouraged to come to Singapore to serve in areas where we are short of workers such as service industries and manufacturing. Foreign talent takes up about 1/4 of the singaporean population in 2010. These foreign talent set up businesses in Singapore, which allows s'poreans to benefit from them due to the rise in standard of living and availibility of jobs. This helped our economy to flourish despite the global recession in 2010. Thus, the immigration policy will be a good way to address the low population growth in Singapore.

However, many singaporeans feel that the foreign immigrants are a threat to them. The residents here are afraid that the immigrants will compete with them for jobs, and that they will lose out to the foreigners. The foreigners might also be using singapore as a stepping stone to other further countries in the future. Furthermore, in the 2010 census, the total fertility rate of these foreigners was even lower than that of singaporeans. This shows that, although the immigration policy might help to address the low population growth, it cannot be used in the long run.

4. Cash/monetary incentives

The government has successfully provided cash incentives to address the low birth rate in Singapore. Raising children is not easy as it requires a lot of expenses, time and it is a life long commitment. Thus, the government has introduced incentives to relive the burden of raising children. Cash incentives include the Baby bonus scheme, housing schemes, infant and childcare schemes and income tax rebates for working mothers. For example, the baby bonus scheme gives $4000 for the first and second child and $6000 for the third and fourth child. Furthermore, there is a dollar to dollar scheme for every amount the parent put into the child's CDA (child development account). Thus, this will help to relive the financial burden, and the parents will be encouraged to have more children due to the support that the government provides

Although the government has been providing cash incentives, not everybody is responding to this policy. Raising children is not an easy task and singles and young couples feel that they have better things to do like going out and enjoying themselves. Furthermore, women nowadays are educated and prefer career over children. Companies are also not willing to hire pregnant women because they might face a labour shortage should the women go on maternity leave. Hence, women do not give birth for fear of losing their job. Also, the income tax rebates and childcare subsidies only apply to working mothers. Thus, non-working mothers have to depend on a single income should they raise a child, so many choose not to have children. Thus, although the government has been providing cash incentives, it is not a very effective one as many are shunning it for their own career and enjoyment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Geography common test 1 (units 2 to 5)
Population density: average number of people per square kilometer

Countries with high population density: Singapore, Japan, Monaco, etc.

Countries with low population density: Australia, Canada, Libya (which is having protests now), Mongolia

Country population growth rate= (Birthrate – Death rate )+ Net migration rate

High population growth rate (unit 4)

Causes of high population growth:
High birth rate
Improved health care
-Gives babies better chance of survival
-Women live healthier lives, which thus prolong their child bearing years (esp. teenage mums)

Lack of/resistance to family planning
-Many are illiterate, unable to access information, unaware of birth control methods
-Consider having many children as a status symbol (in developing countries, only the rich can afford to have many children)

Preference for boys
-In rural areas (like china?) the boys are the ones that carry the family name. so they will continue to give birth till they get a boy.

Children as a source of income
-In developing countries, families are very poor, low income.
-Children will start work at a young age to earn money to support the family

Low death rate

Better living environment
-improved health care, nutritious food, clean water, life expectancy rate for adults higher and low infant mortality rate

Peace and stability
-No wars, no death

Consequences of high population growth

-People from rural areas go to the cities and towns to look for jobs.
-Cities and towns are already crowded, thus having more people will lead to overcrowding  unhygienic living conditions & water shortage  crime, social problems

High unemployment rates
-There are more people than jobs available

Widespread poverty
-No income Poor housing, insufficient food and water, ill health, low education level.

Actions taken

Education for women
-Opportunity to be employed, earn money
-Likely to marry at a later age and give birth to fewer children

Incentives for small families
-Encourages families to have fewer children
-Informs them about what will happen if the population becomes too large (living conditions will deteriorate)

Raising the standard of living
-Improved health care, better housing, proper sanitation, adequate supply of food and water
-Assures parents that their children will likely survive to become adults, thus parents will not have so many children.

i decided to do units 2 to 4 here as a form of revision! (: this is fun. hahahah. oh btw the  means arrow. apparently blogger can't read it D:


have fun studying!
i am, cramming low population and high population and population density, etc into my brain.
how fun.


Rapidly declining birthrate:
  • The education of women -> late marraiges.
  • Preference for a small family.
  • More people staying single.
  • The higher cost of raising children.
  • Successful family planning.
Low Death rate
  • Advertisement in medical and healthcare services.
  • High standard of hygiene.
  • High levels of income -> better nutrition.

Reduced workforce:
  • Shortage of manpower for industry and defence
  • Under-utilisation resouces spent on the young population.
Ageing Population:
  • Increased burden on the working population.
  • Increase in taxes to provide more $ to provide social services for the elderly.
Singapore's Responses:

Family-friendly policies
  • Cash incentives
  • Welfare schemes at the workplace
  • Special housing scheme.
Overcoming labour shortage
  • Extention of retirement age.
  • Re-employment of workers.
  • Recruitment of foreign workers.
Caring for the aged
  • Healthcare service for the aged.
  • Improve amenities in public places and residences.
  • Fitness and Exercise facilities.
  • Early financial planning.
This is mainly the entire chunk of mindmap from the textbook. Go search for the powerpoint slides on the lms. see i'm so nice that i'll give you the link.
Lots of LOVE,


Revision: Atoms and Molecules
1) Atomic structure
  • To determine the number of protons, neutrons and elections in an atom, use the Periodic Table to find the chemical symbol. Then check out the nucleon/mass number and the proton/atomic number.
Electronic Structure:
  • First shell of atoms can only hold two electrons and the rest can hold a maximum of eight.
  • The way the electrons are arranged in an atom is known as the electronic configuration.
  • eg: Chlorine atom has an electronic configuration of 2,8,7.
Valence Electrons:
  • The shell that is furthest away from the neucleus is called the outer shell or the valence shell.
  • The Electons found in this shell are called valence electrons.
  • The chemical properties of an element depends on the number of valence electrons.
  • This is why elements with the same number of valence electrons( e.g. Gp 1 sodium and potassium) have similar chemical properties.
The Periodic Table:
  • Group numbers show how many valence electrons an atom of each element has.
  • Period numbers show how many electron shells an atom of each element has
  • E.g. an atom of nitrogen found in Group 5, Period 2 will have 2 electron shells and 5 valence electrons.
2) Molecules of elements and compounds
  • Atom: Smallest particle of an element
  • Molecule: Two or more atoms chemically combined together.
  • Molecules of Elements: Two or more atoms of the same element chemically combined together. E.g. Oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosporys.
  • Molecules of Compunds: Two or more atoms of different elements chemically combined together. E.g. water, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane.
  • Noble Gases (e.g. Neon, Helium) exist as single atoms because they have a full valence shell.
  • Noble gases are stable and unreactive.
  • Most atoms undergo chemical bonding to achieve the noble gas configuration in thir outermost shell.
  • They do so by losing/gaining or sharing their valence electrons.
Recall : How are atoms and ions different?
  • Atom: Smallest particle of an element.
  • Molecule: Two or more atoms chemically combined together.
  • Ions: Atoms with an overall charge (after losing or gaining electrons)
  • Formula unit: Show how ions in an ionic compound are electro-statically bonded together.
Ionic Bonding:
  • Between metals and non-metals.
  • Metal atom loses its valence electrons.
  • These electrons are passed to the non-metal atom.
  • The positive and negative charge on the two sets of ions electro-statically attract each other and form an ionic bond.
  • E.g.: Sodium Chloride. Na loses 1 electron. Na now has 11 protons but 10 electrons. Overall charge of ion = (+). Metals form positively charged ions. The electron from Na is passed on to Cl. Cl now has 17 protons but 18 electrons. Overall charge on ion = (-). Non-metals form negatively charged ions.
Covalent Bonding:
  • Covalent bonds are formed when non-metals react with one another
  • Non-metals bond by sharing their valence electrons
  • After bonding, each atom has an electronic configuration of a noble gas( duplet or octet stracture)
  • A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds

  1. Place positive (metal) ion in one bracket, negative (non-metal) ion in another.
  2. Both ions should have complete valance shells.
  3. The negative ion should possess an electron from the meal atom.
  4. Show the charges on each ion.
  5. Show the numbers of each ion if there are more than one.
To determine the chemical formula of ionic compounds: All positive charges must be equal to the negative charges.
  • e.g. Ca2+ and Cl-
  • There needs to be two chloride ions to balance out the two positive charges.
  • Therefore the chemical formula for this ionic compound is CaCl2
How to determine Chemical formula of ionic compounds:
  • Move the numerical value of the charge on each ion diagonally to the other ion
  • In the chemical formula, numbers of ions within an ionic compounf are written as subscripts.
  • Between non-metals.
  • Valence electrons are shared between atoms.
In a dot and cross diagram for a molecule:
  1. Each atom in the molecule should have a complete valence shell
  2. Shared electrons within overlapping area between atoms.
  3. Valency of atom is usually equal to the number of covalent bonds it can form ( e.g. Cl can form 1 bond, O can form 2)

4) Valency and Formula
  • Valency is the combining power of an atom
  • In ionic bonding valency of atoms is usually equal to the charges of the ions formed.
  • The total combining power of the component elements of the compound must be the same.
  • The chemical formula of a compund states the number and types of atoms in each compound.
  • There are two ways to describe the number and types of atoms in a molecule of a compound. e.g. Water.
  1. Using chemical formula: H2O
  2. Using words: Each water molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen combined together.
OKAY! THAT'S ALL!(: i'll add more later.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hey 2PeasinaPod! (: I'm just here to relieve some stress from all of you! The D&T deadline has been delayed to the coming Wednesday, 3pm instead of Monday! So, we'll have the 2 periods on Monday to finish up the project and finalize it! You can alos stay back on Tuesday from 2.15 to 3.30 pm to do it! Jiayou for D&T, Science and Geography Common Test and our IPW and Maths projects! :D We can do our best 2P!

~Azrin (:

Thursday, February 17, 2011


basically, it's only SBQ so it should be okay. there's part a, b, c and d and 4 sources on unit 2.

so qns a and b are inference questions, where we have to write Inference, Quote and Explanation. two IQEs for each question.

qns c is a comparison question. we either write two similarities and 1 difference or 1 similarity and 2 differences (according to mr chai) difference has to contain a common element, inference a, quotation a, explanation a and inference b, quotation b and explanation b.

qns d is an evaluative question. it goes like that: Source(s) _____ say that ________ (give Q and E) and Source(S) ____ do not say that ______ (give Q and E)

yup that's about it goodbye have fun revising ;D

History format Ct1

hi peas:)

Jia you for Hist and the rest of the ct1s. Long time neva post !

Im kinda confused for history the format so if i type anything wrong pls tell me. This is wat i copied down!Thanks:)

So the format for questions

· A and B - 2 IQE for each question.

· C - 1 similarity and 2 diff or 2similarity and 1 diff

- Similarity is Common element (CE) , quote for a, explanation for a, quote for b, explanation for b

- Difference is CE , inference for a ,quote for a, explanation for a, inference for b, quote for b, explanation for b

· D - is agree wif the question is CE ,quote for a ,explain a, quote b, explain b

Don’t agree wif question is CE, quote for a, explain a, quote b, explain b

Only need to revise chapter two.

Bride & Groom Peas

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


heyyy! (: i found some informative and usefull websites abt literature stuff and thought i'd share it with y'all. ALL THE BEST FOR THE UPCOMING TESTS! 8D

have fun studying (:


What is Figurative Language?

Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else,
you are using figurative language.


A simile uses the words “like” or “as”
to compare one object or idea with another to suggest they are alike.
Example: busy as a bee


The metaphor states a fact or draws a verbal picture by the use of comparison.
A simile would say you are like something; a metaphor is more positive - it says you are something.
Example: You are what you eat.


A figure of speech in which human characteristics are given
to an animal or an object. Example: My teddy bear gave me a hug.


The repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words.
Alliteration includes tongue twisters. Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.


The use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound
made by an object or an action. Example: snap crackle pop


An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true.
Tall tales are hyperboles.
Example: He was so hungry, he ate that whole cornfield for lunch, stalks and all.


According to Webster's Dictionary, an idiom is defined as: peculiar to itself
either grammatically (as no, it wasn't me) or in having a meaning
that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements
(as Monday week for "the Monday a week after next Monday")


A cliché is an expression that has been used so often that it has become trite
and sometimes boring. Example: Many hands make light work.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

does this make you hungry? yumyumyum.
anyway, 2P, JIAYOUFORCT1! WE MUST DO WELL OKAY :D study hard, so you can play hard later!
love, lois.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


1. Access AskNLearn LMS

2. Click on Content --> Secondary 2 --> Science --> Models and Systems --> Atoms, Molecules and Ions

3. View the lessons. You can use earphones to listen to narration if you want.

4. Attempt the Quiz if time permits

5. I will be able to monitor your progress online (including time/date of access) so pls make sure you use lesson time to access the resource. By the end of Thursday's lesson, all of you should have completed at least THREE of the lessons.

6. You can complete the rest of the lessons as homework, to revise for your common test. Make sure you've attempted all the lessons and the quiz by Week 8.

For those who have already viewed the lessons prior to this, you may do your own revision =)

If you cannot access LMS, share laptops with your classmates and complete the lessons on your own at home (only this task).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

please go invade yexin's computer for the fonts of the class tee pleasee do so if not she'll forget. hahahahahah. she would love you to do so too.
or if not , we would randomly chose any nice fonts (: thankyouverynyce-iffah
iknowYEXIN'spassword !!
i don't know DD: boohoo
okay bye have fun burying your heads in your books but don't be like yexin who banged her head on the table. like an ostrich does in the ground.
bye! (:
love, loislane, effahhhh and unfortunately yexin who saw what we were typing so all the lame stuff are written by her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

HOW TO ACE ENGLISH NARRATIVE! according to ms diana.

Narrative Writing Tips:

-Narratives are written to entertain. (engaging, have an impact or reader)
-Must be focused. (1 conflict, 1 climax)
-A few central characters, a few settings.
-Always think "What's the point of adding this to the story?" before writing.

How to get an 'A'
  • Is your language accurate?
  • Check that your tenses are consistent
  • Cancel out redundant words
  • Sentence structure (avoid run on sentences and sentence fragments (incomplete))
  • A complete sentence must have a subject & verb
  • Use a semi-colon/conjunction/separate sentences instead of run on sentence
  • Wide and precise
  • Show not tell (don't show too much if it's not relevant)
  • Quality not Quantity
  • When using descriptive language, be imaginative and original.
  • Weak comparisons
  • Don't be too literal
  • Mismatched tone
In dialogue:
  • "I love you very much," he whispered.
  • He replied, "Well, I'm not gay."
  • "How could you?!" He bellowed.
  • "Do you think you could shut up?" He asked.
  • "If you studied hard, you would turn gay too," he continued, "and we could be together."
  • No bullet points. This is ironic, cuz there are no points and i'm writing this point. What's even more ironic is i'm spelling because as cuz when under the point Spelling. Wow. Mind blown.
  • Every paragraph should serve a purpose.
  • They show transitions from settings or time frames. (for narratives)
  • New paragraph to create impact/Turn of events.
  • Relevant, interesting
  • Take five minutes to plan
  • Chunks of 'factual' paragraphs [Ackhem, Renee. who lifted almost everything about Singapore's ndependence and plonked it in her essay.]
  • Use movement, varied sentence structure, action and some dialogue.
Story flow
  • Orientation (Hook your reader, mind you it's not pole dancing)
  • Conflict/Complication :Leave them wondering, suspense
  • Climax: "WOW" them! (it's not pole dancing again)
  • Resolution: Leave your readers satisfied with a final outcome. End with impact/moral to the story but don't make it too stiff.
Word limit (350-500). Advised to keep to the word limit.

Typed of Conflict
  • Person vs. Self
  • Person vs. Person
  • Person vs. Society
  • Person vs. Machine/Technology [TERMINATOR]
  • Person vs. Nature [I. KILL. FLOWERRRRRRR]
  • Person vs. Donkey. or Shrek. or Princess Fiona. I WANNA WATCH SHREK!
Okay that's about it, if you don't ace your test, don't blame lois and I. It's Ms Diana's fault.
PS: Lois was the one who kept talking bout pole dancing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


2PPPPPP! (: enjoy your chinese new year :D don't forget your nice homework angbaos!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


so far, font suggestions:
1) Hand of Sean (
2) 28 DAYS LATER (
3) King Kool KC(
4) Joyful Juliana(
5) Times new romans
6) Kristen ITC
7) Comic Sans
9)Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
10)Baby Kruffy (

Give more comments!!! thanks(:

Monday, January 24, 2011


2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. what font do you want at the back of your tee? give suggestions on the tagboard and yeah we'll vote for the top three suggestions(: . give nice ones cos we want our class tee to look FABULOUS. THANKS!(:

Lots Of Love,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hi i'm fuzzy wuzzy.

Fuzzy wuzzy likes sweets but not chocolate.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes noodles but not rice.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes google and yahoo but not bing.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes macbook but not vaio.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes sony ericsson but not iphone.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to cook but not to eat.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes books but not stories.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes the moon but not the sun.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes hokkien mee but not char kway teow.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to sleep but not wake up.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes food but not drinks.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes apples but not fish.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes spoons but not forks.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes glee but not high school musical.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes toots and noobs but not perverts.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to kill but not to die
Fuzzy wuzzy likes blossom bubbles and buttercup, but not mojojojo.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes 2Peeeeeee but not eat peas.

Monday, January 17, 2011

stayingathomesuckscauseimiss2PEEEE! :D

i'm currently coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose and drinking water and heading to the washroom and touching my forehead every five minutes. oh and i made up this 2 line poem: heading to the toilet bowl, this is how we rolllll.
ok doesn't make sense at all ._. anyway, how i wish i can go to sch today! but woke up at nineeee ))):
by the way, this coming sunday some of the trackers are having competition!
ok i shld end off hereee :D
♥, Yexin

Friday, January 14, 2011


AWWW HAHHAHA so cute x3
oh and must jiayou for ct1 and study hard kayyy~(:
and the malaysia trip's around the corners! get excited :D and highhhh!
anw, we shld really do well this year so that we can get into our desired class next year and hopefully all of us can be in the same class again. So cool right! HAHAH okayyy i shld sleep now since 11:11 is over. and i was totally doing my tuition hw ._. gahhh *($)*(@#^@*( anw, goodnightttt!(:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Pea.

A pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the legume Pisum sativum.[1] Each pod contains several peas. Peapods are botanically a fruit,[2] since they contain seeds developed from the ovary of a (pea) flower. However, peas are considered to be a vegetable in cooking. The name is also used to describe other edible seeds from the Fabaceae such as the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), and the seeds from several species of Lathyrus.

P. sativum is an annual plant, with a life cycle of one year. It is a cool season crop grown in many parts of the world; planting can take place from winter through to early summer depending on location. The average pea weighs between 0.1 and 0.36 grams.[3] The species is used as a vegetable, fresh, frozen or canned, and is also grown to produce dry peas like the split pea. These varieties are typically called field peas.

The wild pea is restricted to the Mediterranean basin and the Near East. The earliest archaeological finds of peas come from Neolithic Syria, Turkey and Jordan. In Egypt, early finds date from ca. 4800–4400 BC in the Nile delta area, and from ca. 3800–3600 BC in Upper Egypt. The pea was also present inGeorgia in the 5th millennium BC. Farther east, the finds are younger. Peas were present in Afghanistan ca. 2000 BC, in Harappa, Pakistan, and in northwest India in 2250–1750 BC. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC this pulse crop appears in the Gangetic basin and southern India.[4]

Adapted from :D

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