Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chinese stuff. STUDY!

词语for CT1


× 无微不至:wu wei bu zhi

× 境遇: jing yu

× 求神问卜:qiu shen wen bu

× 祷告:dao gao: pray

× 爱屋及乌:aiwujiwu: love someone so much that you love all their things too.

× 艰险:jian xian: very dangerous

× 挫折:cuozhe: setback

× 一帆风顺:yifanfengshun: smooth sailing

× 嫉妒:jidu: jealous

× 嘲讽:chao feng: mocking

× 尴尬:ganga: embarrassed

× 明哲保身:minzhebaofen: don’t get inbetween quarrels to protect yourself

× 逢人只说三分话:fengrenzhishuosanfenhua: only tell the partial truth.

× 无限:wuxian: unlimited [love and blah], unconditional

× 浓厚:nonghou: deep [love]

× 无拘无束:wujuwushu: very carefree

× 寄人篱下:jirenlixia: don’t have your own home, live under someone elses’ roof

× 束缚:shufu: restrainment


× 安逸: anyi : comfortable and safe life.

× 好逸恶劳:haoyiwulao : too comfortable in an environment that it makes you lazy.

× 分析:fenxi: analyze

× 溺爱:niai : pampered.

× 煞费苦心:shafeikuxin: put in a lot of effort

× 关怀备至:guanhuaibeizhi: very caring and provides everything that you need

× 茁壮:zhuozhuang: grow up to be strong and tough

× 无可厚非:wukehoufei : will do something for no rhyme or reason

× 宠爱:chongai: spoilt by parents

× 娇生惯养:jiaoshengguanyang: pampered

× 不屑一顾:buxieyigu: you don’t give a damn.

× 聘请:pinqing: hire

× 剥夺:boduo: deprive others of something

× 引以为鉴:yinyiweijian: take it as an example

× 体恤:tixu: be understanding

× 绊脚石:banjiaoshi: a hurdle; problem

× 棘手:jishou: quickly settle before it turns into a big problem.


× 血气方刚:xueqifanggang: very impulsive (used to describe youth)

× 近朱者赤,近墨者黑:jinzhuzhechi, jinmozhehei : (-) get influenced by people you mix w/

× 专心致志:zhuanxinzhizhi: insanely focused. You can like get killed and not know

× 魂不守舍:hunbushoushe: not your usual self. Like uh habit the blur one.

× 惋惜:wanxi: don’t mourn over lost people, items, blah.

× 筛选:shaixuan: very particular about your choices.

× 作祟:zuosui: get scared by your own thoughts. Think about it until you think it’s real. Loser.

× 熏染:xunran: influenced by people you mix with (+)

× 素昧平生:sumeipingshen: never came across this person cuz he’s such a lameass looser.

× 真伪:zhenwei: real or fake [friends and goods]

× 咎由自取:ziyouziqu: get what you deserve (never study: fail: abigood)

× 俘虏: fulu: slavery

× 分歧:fenqi: we have different opinions

× 摩擦: moca: friction in opinionish stuff. Aiyoh basically you cannot tahan someone else.

× 罕见:hanjian: very rare.

× 称颂:chengsong: sing praises.

× 融洽:rongqia: live in harmony, get along well.

× 名扬天下:mingyangtianxia: very famous.

× 德高望重:degaowangzhong: someone lookuperrable, respect them like shat.

× 各有千秋:geyouqianqiu: both have their strong points, don’t compare. Showoffs.

× 疙瘩:geda: friction between two people. Goosebumps.

× 东山再起:dongshanzaiqi: make a comeback.

× 切磋:qiecuo: not to compete but to learn from each other.

× 谦虚:qianxu: modest, humble

× 解剖:jiepou: dissect.

× 扎实:zhashi: firm

× 借鉴:jiejian: take it as an example.


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