Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Geography common test 1 (units 2 to 5)
Population density: average number of people per square kilometer

Countries with high population density: Singapore, Japan, Monaco, etc.

Countries with low population density: Australia, Canada, Libya (which is having protests now), Mongolia

Country population growth rate= (Birthrate – Death rate )+ Net migration rate

High population growth rate (unit 4)

Causes of high population growth:
High birth rate
Improved health care
-Gives babies better chance of survival
-Women live healthier lives, which thus prolong their child bearing years (esp. teenage mums)

Lack of/resistance to family planning
-Many are illiterate, unable to access information, unaware of birth control methods
-Consider having many children as a status symbol (in developing countries, only the rich can afford to have many children)

Preference for boys
-In rural areas (like china?) the boys are the ones that carry the family name. so they will continue to give birth till they get a boy.

Children as a source of income
-In developing countries, families are very poor, low income.
-Children will start work at a young age to earn money to support the family

Low death rate

Better living environment
-improved health care, nutritious food, clean water, life expectancy rate for adults higher and low infant mortality rate

Peace and stability
-No wars, no death

Consequences of high population growth

-People from rural areas go to the cities and towns to look for jobs.
-Cities and towns are already crowded, thus having more people will lead to overcrowding  unhygienic living conditions & water shortage  crime, social problems

High unemployment rates
-There are more people than jobs available

Widespread poverty
-No income Poor housing, insufficient food and water, ill health, low education level.

Actions taken

Education for women
-Opportunity to be employed, earn money
-Likely to marry at a later age and give birth to fewer children

Incentives for small families
-Encourages families to have fewer children
-Informs them about what will happen if the population becomes too large (living conditions will deteriorate)

Raising the standard of living
-Improved health care, better housing, proper sanitation, adequate supply of food and water
-Assures parents that their children will likely survive to become adults, thus parents will not have so many children.

i decided to do units 2 to 4 here as a form of revision! (: this is fun. hahahah. oh btw the  means arrow. apparently blogger can't read it D:

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