Wednesday, January 5, 2011


hellohello 2P(: i almost typed 1p xD hahah, anyway i changed the blogskin, hope it's okay. i don't know what to write for the top so i'll just leave it like that. those admin people can go edit. okay byebye, work hard for the year(: and let's be more bonded okay?? since it's our last year together. goodbyeeeee. oh and who's register number 9 and 10? sorry i forgot. btw we should have a class email (: easier. class comm!!!!! oh nevermind i shall create cos erm i need it for cbox. email: (the 2011 is very extra cos twopeasinapod and 2peasapod both cannot so yeah) so whatever email or important stuff can send to this email then everybody check! :D

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