Tuesday, January 11, 2011

chinese lesson boredom.

Helllo 2P! Welcome to this edition of boredom in chinese class. Starrrring Lois and Dharnia!!!:D nehnehnipoopoo. Right now, we're observing the rare creatures named the Peasofpee. This is a rare species of animals. From our observation, the tribe leader is an annoying banana. she speaks only in mandrin and fires her words out at a shocking speed. As we look in the ten o'clock direction, we notice the village blurdo. IT is a weird sotong creature and is usually unaware of it's surroundings(mainly people mocking her). IT'S name is Yethexin. sound's mystical? but it is actually not that MAGICAL. it's basically a facebook liking creep. and likes almost anything. IN the 9 o'clock direction, we notice a poopootrombo, this talented creature makes the sound of a low boooooooootrombone. next to the poopootrombo, is a kpoperoo. this is another skilled creature, it can sing and loves kpop. as long as you play kpop music, it will remain calm. OHNO! THE ANNOYING BANANA IS APPROACHING. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF BOREDOM IN CHINESE CLASS.

With love from the jungle,

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