Monday, January 24, 2011


2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. what font do you want at the back of your tee? give suggestions on the tagboard and yeah we'll vote for the top three suggestions(: . give nice ones cos we want our class tee to look FABULOUS. THANKS!(:

Lots Of Love,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hi i'm fuzzy wuzzy.

Fuzzy wuzzy likes sweets but not chocolate.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes noodles but not rice.
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes google and yahoo but not bing.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes macbook but not vaio.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes sony ericsson but not iphone.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to cook but not to eat.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes books but not stories.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes the moon but not the sun.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes hokkien mee but not char kway teow.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to sleep but not wake up.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes food but not drinks.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes apples but not fish.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes spoons but not forks.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes glee but not high school musical.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes toots and noobs but not perverts.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes to kill but not to die
Fuzzy wuzzy likes blossom bubbles and buttercup, but not mojojojo.
Fuzzy wuzzy likes 2Peeeeeee but not eat peas.

Monday, January 17, 2011

stayingathomesuckscauseimiss2PEEEE! :D

i'm currently coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose and drinking water and heading to the washroom and touching my forehead every five minutes. oh and i made up this 2 line poem: heading to the toilet bowl, this is how we rolllll.
ok doesn't make sense at all ._. anyway, how i wish i can go to sch today! but woke up at nineeee ))):
by the way, this coming sunday some of the trackers are having competition!
ok i shld end off hereee :D
♥, Yexin

Friday, January 14, 2011


AWWW HAHHAHA so cute x3
oh and must jiayou for ct1 and study hard kayyy~(:
and the malaysia trip's around the corners! get excited :D and highhhh!
anw, we shld really do well this year so that we can get into our desired class next year and hopefully all of us can be in the same class again. So cool right! HAHAH okayyy i shld sleep now since 11:11 is over. and i was totally doing my tuition hw ._. gahhh *($)*(@#^@*( anw, goodnightttt!(:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Pea.

A pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the legume Pisum sativum.[1] Each pod contains several peas. Peapods are botanically a fruit,[2] since they contain seeds developed from the ovary of a (pea) flower. However, peas are considered to be a vegetable in cooking. The name is also used to describe other edible seeds from the Fabaceae such as the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), and the seeds from several species of Lathyrus.

P. sativum is an annual plant, with a life cycle of one year. It is a cool season crop grown in many parts of the world; planting can take place from winter through to early summer depending on location. The average pea weighs between 0.1 and 0.36 grams.[3] The species is used as a vegetable, fresh, frozen or canned, and is also grown to produce dry peas like the split pea. These varieties are typically called field peas.

The wild pea is restricted to the Mediterranean basin and the Near East. The earliest archaeological finds of peas come from Neolithic Syria, Turkey and Jordan. In Egypt, early finds date from ca. 4800–4400 BC in the Nile delta area, and from ca. 3800–3600 BC in Upper Egypt. The pea was also present inGeorgia in the 5th millennium BC. Farther east, the finds are younger. Peas were present in Afghanistan ca. 2000 BC, in Harappa, Pakistan, and in northwest India in 2250–1750 BC. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC this pulse crop appears in the Gangetic basin and southern India.[4]

Adapted from :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


heyhey2p, hope you enjoyed the first edition of er boredom in chinese class(: anyway, here's the class tee like the front and back. sorry it's 2 different t-shirts, heh. but just look at the design. click to enlarge! oh btw i love aliensssssssso cute right i know!

chinese lesson boredom.

Helllo 2P! Welcome to this edition of boredom in chinese class. Starrrring Lois and Dharnia!!!:D nehnehnipoopoo. Right now, we're observing the rare creatures named the Peasofpee. This is a rare species of animals. From our observation, the tribe leader is an annoying banana. she speaks only in mandrin and fires her words out at a shocking speed. As we look in the ten o'clock direction, we notice the village blurdo. IT is a weird sotong creature and is usually unaware of it's surroundings(mainly people mocking her). IT'S name is Yethexin. sound's mystical? but it is actually not that MAGICAL. it's basically a facebook liking creep. and likes almost anything. IN the 9 o'clock direction, we notice a poopootrombo, this talented creature makes the sound of a low boooooooootrombone. next to the poopootrombo, is a kpoperoo. this is another skilled creature, it can sing and loves kpop. as long as you play kpop music, it will remain calm. OHNO! THE ANNOYING BANANA IS APPROACHING. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF BOREDOM IN CHINESE CLASS.

With love from the jungle,

Monday, January 10, 2011


heyhey2P! i made the back tee again :D with iffi and yexin's help(: comment! i think it's nicer than the previous one, i don't know. oh and class comm, i don't know if you check the blog): but can we vote fasterrrrrrrrrrr? please cos CT1 is coming soon and we want the shirt FAST.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

HELLOHELLO~ ah so schools started:D and we're finally seniors! :D happy right. hmm most of our teachers seem nice:D so thats good! awesome. ahaha hope by the end of this year, our class will be more bonded and that we will get the subject combinations we want:D:D JIAYOU! hopefully most of us will be in the same class too:D that would be great:D ahaha til here:D byes:D JIAYOU~


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


hellohello 2P(: i almost typed 1p xD hahah, anyway i changed the blogskin, hope it's okay. i don't know what to write for the top so i'll just leave it like that. those admin people can go edit. okay byebye, work hard for the year(: and let's be more bonded okay?? since it's our last year together. goodbyeeeee. oh and who's register number 9 and 10? sorry i forgot. btw we should have a class email (: easier. class comm!!!!! oh nevermind i shall create cos erm i need it for cbox. email: (the 2011 is very extra cos twopeasinapod and 2peasapod both cannot so yeah) so whatever email or important stuff can send to this email then everybody check! :D

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


HELLLO TWO P! I'M IN A LAZY MOOD. SO THIS POST WILL BE PLAIN. NOT LIKE MY NORMAL COLOURFUL POSTS.(: anyway. i'm really high. so imma spread the highness. cuz in this pod, there's not much room and the half dead people are making it stuffy with all the carbon dioxide produced during decomp. LALALALALALAAAA I LOVE BLABBERING RUBBISH. okay imma just post this. and if i think of anything i'll post a "HIGHHIGHHIGH UNTIL I REACH THE SKYSKYSKY (2)" (: TTFN TATA FOR NOW. HOOOHOHOOOHOHOHOOOO like how Tiggger the greaaat would say it.(:
