Sunday, May 30, 2010

School Holidays... WHEE~~~~~~~

Woots, school holidays are here ahahaha... Okay fine, I'm not as excited though hahaha, there's like mountains of homework, but still... the break is appreciated hahaha... Oh and dinner meal was awesome, I wanted to send everyone an sms after it but i got tired of adding each person by the time i got to charmaine hahaha sry!! Anyway, thanks everyone for making it successful and like what huda said, I'm sorry if I bossed any of u or if I was just plain irritating to any of you.. I was erm... nevermind, it's hard to explain here hehe, its kind of private... Anyway, play hard and study hard k? Lastly, thanks Azrin, I love you for posting that up hehe... makes things alot easier <3 Love ya ALL!!


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